

Just Dog’s mission

JUST DOG品牌理念是成為寵物飼主一個特別且值得信賴的寵物平台。我們致力於為毛小孩們開發天然健康的高品質寵物零食,以及讓毛小孩和飼主都喜愛的寵物相關客製化產品,給寶貝們最好最特別的愛。 我們也希望能盡微薄之力幫助沒有主人的浪浪們,希望能再多為他們做些什麼。短期計畫並且正在進行中的是每月捐出銷售額的5%給流浪動物機構及收容所,也會在網站中介紹這些機構讓多一點人認識了解:中長期計畫為開發寵物義賣商品將所得全數捐給這些機構,以及協助浪浪認養的媒合及曝光。歡迎志同道合的朋友們有任何點子都一起來討論分享,一起為浪浪做些什麼吧!
Just Dog’s mission is to become the most convenient and trusted, everything-dog store. We focus on developing the highest quality food or treats for our furry companions, but also fun products that both owners and dogs can enjoy. We really do care about our pets – and we’re not just all talk (or bark). We back this up with our commitment to donate a portion of our profits to an animal shelter or charity of our choice – every single month.



Premium Handcrafted Natural Pet Treats

JUST DOG天然手作零食使用100%天然原料,不含防腐劑,無人工添加物,無鹽無油無麵粉,並且使用人食級具有CAS台灣優良農產品標章之大成雞胸肉,羊奶使用的也是人食等級的羊奶粉,不僅毛小孩可以吃得安心,毛小孩的爸媽也可以一起吃喔!

All our pet treats are 100% preservative free, naturally dehydrated, and handcrafted with love and care. Just Dog treats contain no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, additives or any other chemicals.

We hand-make these in small batches and everything is made-to-order to ensure maximum freshness and full control over the quality of our treats. These treats don’t just look great, but they taste great and they’re good for your pet’s health too.


Personalized pet portraits

為了愛毛小孩的各位鏟屎官們,我們絞盡了腦汁,終於推出全台灣首創的JUST DOG寵物客製肖像畫是給鏟屎官們最棒的禮物!我們有從文藝復興時期的名畫到超級英雄電影主角的各種您能想到的酷炫背景範本供您為寶貝挑選!或者更棒的是您也能自己提供想要的背景圖,由我們幫您製作!


Our personal pet portraits are fun gifts for the most dedicated, passionate (and sometimes obsessive) pet parents there are. We curate templates that range from classic Renaissance era oil paintings, to super hero characters, and even fun professionals (like an astronaut!)

Your Just Dog pet portrait will be expertly crafted by one of our professional artists and we’ll do our best to capture your pet’s unique characteristics and facial features in our portraits. It’s not only the ultimate gift, but also the perfect ice-breaker for your friends and family.

Show off your love for your pet with one of our portraits today!